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"WOW" "You are amazing..."

"Your website is awesome and full of fabulous information. I love the recipes...when I have a little more time I'm going to go back to it and look for more info. I am interested in raw warming foods. I just have to tell you how impressed I am with all that you are doing with OnlyGreen and the natural living lifestyle....your hard work and commitment is inspiring!"

Sara Londono Sulkin, Health as a Choice Health Coaching

28 March 2007

what's in a name?

There seems to be a common perception surrounding Ashtanga Yoga - an intense, challenging workout only for those with the strength to make it through a full hour of practice. With our North American culture coining the phrase "Power Yoga" it is no wonder we have created that visual in our minds.

Although Ashtanga is very much a practice building strength and stamina, it is also a delicatly orchestrated sequencing of postures ideally created to be self healing. The practice itself is a dynamic, rythmic flow of breath and movement creating the deepening meditative component while the asanas (postures) are designed to open, align and build strength along specific energy lines. It is common for the initial practices of a beginner to feel quite challenging, which is part of the beauty. It teaches us to focus, dedicate, breath and be mindful of exactly where we are in each moment - physically, mentally and emotionally.

Yoga in itself is a personal journey and whichever style you choose you will experience challenge, growth, elation and ultimate breakthroughs mentally and physically. If uncertain as to what style to begin with ensure that you look past the name of the class and choose based on qualified instruction and fundamentals of the practice - allowing you to embark on a quality practice. Align yourself with your personal long term goals and trust that the journey of yoga is one that supports, motivates and inspires you along the way! Your inner guidance is a valued friend that builds stronger with each day of practice.

If ever in doubt, ask. By seeking the guidance of a trusted, qualified instructor you will be assured to make optimal choices for your wellbeing.

In abundance,

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